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HIMACS in the kitchen for IT-IS by Euromobil, designed by Simone Micheli.

To create part of the project, Euromobil was able to count on the amazing versatility of HIMACS which, once again, has adapted perfectly to a kitchen’s needs. 
HIMACS has been used to produce the work surface with an integrated sink, and the dining table top, as its smooth and completely non-porous surface repels dirt, making it easy to clean.

But as well as its hygienic and technical aspects - and as a result of the visionary creativity of architect Micheli - Euromobil has been able to produce a continuous surface with a soft, fluid design that is extraordinarily beautiful and has truly exceptional dimensions.  

HIMACS is also extremely resistant to heat and to the regular use of chemical cleaning products in the home. 

The soft curve that ‘breaks’ the continuum between the kitchen surface and the dining counter has been made possible thanks to the extraordinary heatmoulding properties of HIMACS. 

This means that HIMACS can be used to experiment with any shape and to create an endless series of geometric effects. 

The challenging features of this kitchen were made possible by the technical capability of Union, a company well versed in the use of HIMACS. 

As well as the classic 12mm thick Alpine White used for IT-IS, HIMACS is available in over 100 colours and 4 different thicknesses that can be chosen according to aesthetic concept and need.

IT-IS works in all types of spaces and meets any functional and aesthetic need, thanks to the simplicity of its geometric lines. 
The various possible combinations of IT-IS make it a kitchen with a dynamic structure that can meet all kinds of needs.  
The kitchen, which was recently presented at the Milan Triennale in an exclusive event, was displayed at the Fabbrica del Vapore during the lastSalone del Mobile inside the stand by Zalf and Désirée, where the reception top, the base of the fireplace and the occasional tables for the buffet were all made of HIMACS.

Architecture & Design Simone Micheli
Material used Alpine White
Fabrication Union, Italy
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